Thesis Title 10 of the pit fissure sealant resin, gingival inflammation and tooth whitening Hydrogen peroxide 1.Pengaruh time soaking pit fissure sealant resin on the culture medium of HaCaT cell viability (in vitro). 2.Efek chitosan against cultured cell lines HSC-4 and HAT-7 in In Vitro 3.Frekuensi distribution of bleeding and dry socket after extraction in patients aged 17-76 years in the Hospital Dental School of Dental Medicine University of Indonesia from January 2003 - October 2008. 4.Status gingival inflammation in women paskamenopause (clinical examination in the Bekasi area) 5.Perbandingan value of viscosity, pH and buffering capacity of saliva after consumption of honey and water low-calorie sweetener

Vertical 6.Dimensi physiologic rest position physiologic methods and theories of Leonardo da Vinci I (studies on the age group 18-23 years)

7.Efek xylitol in different concentrations and duration to the number of colonies of Candida albicans (in vitro test)

8.Pengaruh application Hydrogen peroxide teeth bleach 6% of hybrid composite resin surface Violence

Vertical 9.Dimensi physiologic rest position physiologic methods and theories of Leonardo da Vinci II (studies in the age group 18-23 years)

10.Frekuensi fistribusi edema and dry socket after extraction in patients aged 17-76 years in the Hospital Dental Education Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia from January 2003-October 2008