10 Titles in Civil Engineering Thesis on Comparative Budget Plan and Monitoring Well Water Quality Probe 1.Karakteristik Flow In Physical Models and Prediction in Prototype (Model weir Pelimpah Mercu Round Type)Signal Interagency Coordination 2.Perencanaan Simpang (Case Studies in Simpang Jl.Ir.H.Juanda-Jl.Sulanjana-Jl.Diponegoro and Simpang Jl.Ir.H.Juanda-Jl.Pasupati-Jl.Surapati Saints in Bandung) 3.Analisis Effect of Soil Mixed with Fine Grain Powder Pumice Stone to Support Land Capacity Method Based on Terzaghi (1943) and Vesic (1975) 4.Evaluasi Budget Plan Comparison Between Methods BOW, SNI and Projects 5.Pengaruh Soil Stabilization Using a fine-grained, stabilized Abu Merapi on Consistency Limits and CBR RendamanWells

6.Desain Resapan With The concept of 'Zero Run Off' area of ​​Sleman Yogyakarta Dusun Jaten

7.Pengaruh limestone powder to Support Capacity Building in Soil Soil Fine Bullet

8.Analisis Productivity Tools Case Studies Project Weight Hasanuddin Airport Development Project,

Maros, Makassar

9.Penurunan Concentration TSS (Total Suspended Solid), Oil and Fats in the Liquid Waste Djonggrang Yogyakarta Batik Indah Rara by electrocoagulation method

10.Monitoring Dug Well Water Quality (Bacteria E. Coli) Around Watershed Code