10 Titles Thesis Chemistry and Mathematics 1.Modifikasi bentonite into organoclay with an ultrasonic method as absorven klorofenol and p-hydroquinone 2.Pengembangan sensor chemical oxygen demand (COD) based fotoelektrokatalis: evaluation of response to some surfactants 3.Studi benzo [a] pyrene - hemoglobin adducts in the traffic police and lung cancer patients who are exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) 4.Studi metabolite exposure and saccharin (artificial sweetener) in children's snacks 5.Reaksi catalysis oxidation of styrene into benzaldehyde using a catalyst TiO2-Al2O3 (1:1)-U and TiO2-Al2O3 (1:1)-PEG

6.Pembentuka eugenol dimer by laccase enzyme catalysts and test akativitasnya as an antioxidant

7.Adsorpsi cationic surfactant (DHTMA - Br) and anionic (SDS) in the polyelectrolyte bilayer - modified zeolite (PEB-MZ) and test the stability of the interaction of polyelectrolyte - surfactant

8.Item response model

9.Menaksir Polychoric Correlation Coefficient Method with Two Stage Estimates

10.Penggunaan fundamental group in the proof of topological spaces which are not mutually homeomorfik