10 Titles Thesis Psychology About the single parent women and teens double-blind 1.Self-management in the elderly single woman who works 2.Hubungan emotional independence and autonomy of behavior with the intention of entrepreneurship (the study conducted at the end of the University of Indonesia student rate) 3.Hubungan between the personality trait with bullying behaviors in high school students 4.Hubungan between the quality of work life with a commitment to teach in teacher 5.Hubungan between stress and religiosity in young adults are Muslims

6.Hubungan motivating factors driving and pull factors of motivation to do a backpacking tour

7.Perilaku cheating during exams to students in applying school ability grouping

8.Hubungan value of organizational culture with organizational commitment in employees of the Bank Syariah X

9.Pengaruh work-family conflict and strategy selection, optimization, and compensation managers on job satisfaction

10.Diskripsi resilience and ability of the double-blind teen