Thesis Title 10 of Social Welfare, Arts Administration, Communication and Political Science 1.Upaya economic empowerment of women through the development of social capital (descriptive studies on savings and credit activities conducted by the Voice of Concerned Mothers in the assisted areas of West Cilandak) 2.Peran correctional officers in individual social counseling for inmates to life in prison Class I Sukamiskin 3.Upaya-protection efforts by local religious social organizations for children who are in vulnerable settlements for economically and sexually exploitative (explorative study on the social organization of local religious Hurin'in) 4.Pengaruh damal perceptions of fairness of service recovery on customer satisfaction 5.perlakuan value added tax on transactions conducted by the content provider

6.Pengawasan duty motor vehicle ownership of vehicle number plates II B in Jadetabek (case study: Kab. Tangerang)

7.Analisis planning, implementation and evaluation of promotional strategies in the media business to business radio (a study in Mugi Rekso Abadi-Broadcast Media Division in November 2007 - May 2008 Jakarta)

Fulfillment of Obligations 8.Analisis Taxation on Income International Musicians For Foreign Taxpayers

9.Analisis audience response to television advertising with the purchase decision on the brand (the study of television advertising must Pas! Pertamina version of Jingle Oh Oh Who He)

10.Peran Japan's Foreign Aid-In Strengthening Economic Relations With Indonesia Asymmetrical, Case Study: ODA (Official Development Assistance) Japan In Post-Crisis Asia Indonesia (1999-2008).