Vertical 6.Dimensi physiologic rest position physiologic methods and theories of Leonardo da Vinci I (studies on the age group 18-23 years)
7.Efek xylitol in different concentrations and duration to the number of colonies of Candida albicans (in vitro test)
8.Pengaruh application Hydrogen peroxide teeth bleach 6% of hybrid composite resin surface Violence
Vertical 9.Dimensi physiologic rest position physiologic methods and theories of Leonardo da Vinci II (studies in the age group 18-23 years)
10.Frekuensi fistribusi edema and dry socket after extraction in patients aged 17-76 years in the Hospital Dental Education Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia from January 2003-October 2008
7.Efek xylitol in different concentrations and duration to the number of colonies of Candida albicans (in vitro test)
8.Pengaruh application Hydrogen peroxide teeth bleach 6% of hybrid composite resin surface Violence
Vertical 9.Dimensi physiologic rest position physiologic methods and theories of Leonardo da Vinci II (studies in the age group 18-23 years)
10.Frekuensi fistribusi edema and dry socket after extraction in patients aged 17-76 years in the Hospital Dental Education Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia from January 2003-October 2008