10 Titles Thesis Curriculum Development 1.Pengembangan model of cooperative learning on the subjects of Islamic religious education at the junior high school 2.Penerapan model of cooperative learning in elementary school science subjects: action research in class V 003 SDN Kembang Harum, Kec. Sand Turtle Kab. Inhu Riau 3.Penerapan learning model of behavior in the Indonesian language to improve speaking skills tunagrahita children: action research in SPLB Section C Bandung 4.Peningkatan process and results of field studies of mathematics learning through concept attainment model in elementary schools: action research in class IV class II SDN Sukamulya Kec. / Kab. Purwakarta 5.Implementasi coaching system of professional skills of primary school teachers in the PBM through cluster schools: a descriptive study in elementary school Guus Cipatik Kec. Cililin Kab. Bandung

6.Jenis-disciplinary type of student behavior and efforts to overcome them in teaching CIVICS: naturalistic-qualitative study in SMU Negeri 1 Cianjur

Secondary education curriculum 7.Implementasi distinctively Islamic religion: a study in social studies programs at the Madrasah Aliyah Surade Affairs

8.Relevansi polytechnic curriculum with qualified industrial workers: a descriptive study of evaluative curriculum electrical engineering polytechnic courses Ujung Pandang country in support of job performance in PT Semen Tonasa

9.Tahap concern for teachers as well as its relationship with 1994 curriculum implementation and some related variables: a descriptive study on high school biology teachers in the district. Brass

10.Pengembangan learning model field of study of Islamic religious education to improve high school students in Banjarmasin akhlah