7.Pihak third application of the doctrine of interest as a citizen lawsuit in court (case studies of national examinations, changes in transaction systems and toll rates, pretrial Suharto and judicial review law number 37 of 2004)
8.Pembuktian terrorism financing pursuant to Law No.25 of 2003 concerning amendments to the Law No.15 year 2002 on combating money laundering (financing of crime there reverse money laundering) (case study of the financing of terrorism with the defendant Ainul Bahri, aka Abu Dujana in Court South Jakarta)
9.Analisis against forcible action efforts undertaken by investigators at the crime cultivation system (case study: report PT.bisi for alleged crimes committed by corn growers in Kediri, East Java)
10.Pertimbangan judge ruling that racial bias in criminal cases (a case study of narcotics with foreign national prisoners - the central Jakarta district court ruling 2152/Pid.B/2003/PN.JKT.PST number)
8.Pembuktian terrorism financing pursuant to Law No.25 of 2003 concerning amendments to the Law No.15 year 2002 on combating money laundering (financing of crime there reverse money laundering) (case study of the financing of terrorism with the defendant Ainul Bahri, aka Abu Dujana in Court South Jakarta)
9.Analisis against forcible action efforts undertaken by investigators at the crime cultivation system (case study: report PT.bisi for alleged crimes committed by corn growers in Kediri, East Java)
10.Pertimbangan judge ruling that racial bias in criminal cases (a case study of narcotics with foreign national prisoners - the central Jakarta district court ruling 2152/Pid.B/2003/PN.JKT.PST number)